


Top warning signs of a silent heart attack during heatwave you shouldn't ignore

New Delhi, June 7 -- Our heart could be under immense stress during severe heatwaves, as it works extra hard to regulate our body temperature. Proper hydration, eating a balanced diet and keeping our ... Read More

How too much air conditioning can ruin your health; know 7 side effects from expert

New Delhi, June 7 -- Monsoon has hit some parts of the country, yet many others continue to reel under severe heatwave. With temperatures crossing 40-45 degrees, the use of air conditioner has no wond... Read More

World Environment Day 2024: 6 eco-friendly lifestyle changes for a healthier planet

New Delhi, June 5 -- As the population explodes and natural resources exhaust, our planet is no wonder under severe stress. The impact of these stressors can be seen in the form of climate change, inc... Read More

Summer diet for pets: 5 hydrating foods to keep your pet cool this summer

New Delhi, June 5 -- As the heatwave continues unabated in several parts of the country and the monsoon has yet to penetrate most of India, the risk of heatstroke and other heat-based illnesses contin... Read More

ICMR says added sugar may be completely eliminated from diet: 'It adds no nutritive value other than calories'

New Delhi, June 5 -- ICMR (Indian Council of Medical Research) in its recent guidelines advise limiting added sugar to 25 g per day or even completely eliminate it from the diet as it adds no nutritiv... Read More

Should you drink sugarcane juice in summer? Know benefits and side effects from experts

New Delhi, June 5 -- As the scorching summer heat increases risk of heat-based illnesses, people are finding relief in natural coolers like fruit juices and other hydrating foods. Sugarcane juice is q... Read More

Indoor walking: 6 ways to complete 10,000 steps during scorching summer and lose weight

New Delhi, June 4 -- If you do not feel like doing intense workouts during heatwave season or stepping outdoors, you aren't alone. Exercising for longer durations may put you at risk of dehydration an... Read More

International Hug Your Cat Day 2024: Does your cat hate hugs? 5 alternative ways to show affection to them

New Delhi, June 4 -- One of the most lovable pets across the globe, cats no doubt offer unconditional love to humans and have a unique way of expressing their affection. While they love their space an... Read More

ICMR says labels could be misleading: 'Sugar-free foods could have hidden sugars'

New Delhi, June 3 -- Suggesting people to read food labels thoroughly and make informed decisions, ICMR (Indian Council of Medical Research) in its recent set of guidelines said that the information p... Read More

Mango seeds: 12 surprising benefits of 'aam ki guthli' and ways to add it to your diet

New Delhi, June 3 -- Delectable and irresistible, mangoes make the summer heat somewhat bearable with their unmatched taste and aroma. While we relish the sweet and heavenly pulp, we take no time to d... Read More